Choosing a Home Warranty for Your Rental Property

Choosing a Home Warranty for Your Rental Property 

There are plenty of expenses when it comes to owning a rental property. New application fees, landscapers, and even the downtime costs associated with utilities when no one is residing at the property. There are many factors to consider when renting your property but the thing you may not have thought about can save you a lot of money and peace of mind. A home warranty.

Large ticket items, like your A/C unit, appliances, or plumbing issues, are not typically covered under your homeowner’s insurance unless in cases of natural disasters. When you have a rental property it is important to ensure maintenance items are covered. This is where a home warranty comes into play.

Saving you time and money, a home warranty company will take care of those maintenance nuisances that seem to happen when you’re least prepared for it. The service level plan you opt into will determine the amount of out-of-pocket expenses you can expect for a maintenance request. 

There are several home warranty companies to research and determine the best fit for you:

  • Choice Home Warranty
  • America’s First Choice
  • Select Home Warranty
  • Total Protect
  • HSA
  • Old Republic
  • Guaranteed Home Warranty
  • Landmark Home Warranty
  • Stanley Safe Club
  • Allied Home Warranty
  • American Home Shield
  • BFS

 While a home warranty can’t guarantee the best tenant, that’s our job, a home warranty can help alleviate the stress of maintenance repairs. When you’re ready to consider all the options available to you for your rental property and need help with professional management services, give us a call. 

5 Reasons It’s Time to Drop Your Bad Property Manager

Property management is all about doing the best work possible for property owners.  At least, that’s what we believe at Talk Property Management/Broker.  We know not everyone thinks this way and many agencies fail to live up to the standards set for them by their owners. If you find yourself in this situation, keep calm and hire a new property manager who will take care of you, your tenants and your property.

  • You’re Losing Money. If you are working with a property management company that can’t promote your property, doesn’t make time for you, isn’t keeping an eye on your investment and won’t deal with troublesome tenants, then you are definitely going to hurt in the long run, even if you aren’t currently.  The only way an owner can charge a premium for their property is if the property is being properly promoted and appropriately managed.
  • Good Tenants Will Leave. When there is an issue with difficult tenants and it isn’t dealt with properly, your otherwise happy tenants won’t stick around. One, it’s unfair to those who are considerate of others, keep things clean and make an effort to be good neighbors for someone else to be getting away with bad behavior.  Two, tenants who are behind on rent and stick around aren’t always likely to keep that information to themselves.  If your tenants who pay rent promptly on the due date get wind of this, you can guarantee they will be moving on or possibly adopt their own bad habits.
  • Your Name is Being Tarnished. They might take some of the heat, but ultimately it will come down to you, as the owner. If a situation arises that gets the attention of local government, activists, media or law enforcement it doesn’t matter whether or not you were aware of it, you are on the hook.  This is particularly important for property owners who live out of the city or state in which their property is located.  When you have no opportunity to even drive by and check in, you are at the mercy of your property manager.
  • You Can’t Get a Renter Interested in Your Property. You’ve listed the property, your property manager swears they are promoting it but can’t give you any real proof and you aren’t seeing any real interest, applications or activity that means much of anything.  In this situation, you may be paying for services that are not being provided or something has happened to the property that is keeping people from acting on it.  The reason could be anything from a dirty house, to insect issues, or something more serious like graffiti or massive damage to the interior of which you are unaware.  If you are dealing with this, it may be time to pay your investment property a little visit.
  • You’ve Been Getting Complaints. It takes a lot of aggravation for a tenant to not only track down owner information, but then to contact them directly. If you find you are receiving multiple direct calls or emails from tenants who are getting little to no response from property management, then you know business is not being taken care of and it is time to deal with the issue pronto before you start losing leases.

When you encounter a difficult or absentee property manager the frustration can drive you to believe maybe you would be better off managing the property yourself.  But, remember there was a reason you hired them in the first place.  You can find a partner in that has your interests and success at heart.  Work with one of the best property management companies in Austin, Texas, and get in touch with TALK Property Management today!

TALK Property Management is a Company You Can Trust

What makes TALK Property Management/Broker Different?

TALK Property Management/Broker is a full service company that puts your needs first. We are always just a phone call or email away. Ours is a company you can trust and rely on to take care of your investment and treat your tenants with respect.

TALK Property Management’s staff is knowledgeable, professional and courteous. Communication is very important to us. Whether your are an owner or a tenant, we keep you informed.

Our services include:TALK-Property-Management-Meaning

  • Monthly Accounting Reports
  • Automated Owner Distributions
  • Owner Portal with WebCloud Document Retrieval and Notifications
  • Multi Media Marketing and Leasing
  • Regular Property Inspections and Texas Property Code Compliance
  • Inexpensive Maintenance/Repair Vendors
  • Comprehensive Tenant Screening (Credit, Rental History, Criminal Check, Income Verification)

Give us a call and Let’s TALK! or click here to sign up for a free consultation.

Don’t Do it Alone: A Property Manager Makes Your Life Easier

Whether you are an individual owner or an agency, managing your own properties is an exceptionally daunting task. You may be unaware of all the time, stress, financial administration and paperwork that a skilled property manager can take off your hands. On the other hand, you may be reading this because you have already ventured in to self-management and realized that it is time to get some help. You’re in luck! TALK Property Management is here to teach you about what property management can do for you.

Property managers are your ambassadors.

They handle situations that arise with tenants as they occur. A good property manager not only takes care of tenant needs in a courteous, professional and timely manner, but keeps the property owner apprised of any and all issues, as well as their resolution. Keeping tenants happy with the service they receive is a main point of property management. Happy tenants = long term leases.

Property managers conquer the digital realm for you.

Do you have time to post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Periscope, YouTube, LinkedIn and the like? Are you confident in the digital advertising space? What is your email marketing reach? Do you know what keywords will perform the best, which social networks work for you, how to target your audience demographics online or what SEM and SEO mean? No? When you hire a property manager, you don’t have to. Property managers in the digital age make sure they can work as hard for you online as off.

At TALK Property Management, our focus is YOU. The services we can offer you will make your life easier and ensure you are getting the highest exposure to top quality tenants. Once they are in the door, TALK will help you keep those excellent long-term renters happy with awesome and swift service. Click here to contact us today for a free property management consultation and let’s TALK.