Summer is here and with the heat index creeping past 100 degrees, it’s time to start getting serious about your energy bills and working to keep them down! Here are a few tips to keep you cool all summer long. It’s only going to get hotter y’all, so get ready!
Keep that A/C Turned to a Higher Temperature to Save on Energy
Try whenever you can to keep from turning your air conditioner down low. That frigid air will feel very good come August, but it will cost you. Instead, keep your thermostat around 78 degrees when you’re in the house and above 80 degrees when you are away. Use fans to keep things cooler, only in occupied rooms.
Close Window Coverings to Insulate Against the Heat of the Sun
The sun makes for some awesome natural light during the day, but the money you may think you’re saving on your lights will come back to haunt you in your air conditioning bill. Your unit has to work twice as hard to keep your home at even a minimally cool level.
Cook Outdoors to Keep Your House from Getting Too Hot
Along with the dryer, ovens and stoves generate massive amounts of heat, especially if they are run with gas. Most of what you can cook in the oven can be cooked on a grill. With some good company and cool beverages, a cook-out can be a lot of fun.
Add Extra Shade to Windows to Stay Cool Indoors
There are a lot of options for window coverings. Draperies can be added to windows that already have blinds and shutters. Exterior shutters can be an extra layer against the sun as well. Exterior shades either for the deck, patio or windows are an ideal way to keep the sun at bay. You can even set them on a timer to be down when you need the extra protection and up when you don’t.
Summer is supposed to be fun, don’t let it become a strain or drain on your finances. Follow these tips to keep your home cooler and you’ll be smiling all the way to the bank. For another smart move that can help with your finances, contact us at TALK Property Management for the best property managers in Austin!