How Do You Know When It’s the Right Time to Buy an Investment Property?

With all the changes in the economy and interest rates, it’s hard to know exactly when is the right time to buy an investment property if you’re looking in Central Texas… Or is it?

(C)2006 HARRY HU
(C)2006 HARRY HU

The truth is that the investment property you look at today will be gone tomorrow. Seriously!

In addition, that property will be more expensive. This is due to the low home inventory levels in Central Texas, the increased cost of building homes, and rising interest rates. Let me show you the “why” behind the “what.”

With home inventory levels hovering at approximately two to three months, our area is at critical shortage levels. This indicates a strong seller’s market, but it’s still a great time to buy an investment property in Central Texas, especially if you don’t want to pay more for the same house in the future.

Let’s take a look at the cost of building materials: lumber prices have risen by roughly 22 percent year-to-date as a result of high demand and newly-imposed tariffs. Forecasts of other materials and labor predict a 15 to 30 percent increase over the next 12 months. This leads to increased housing prices due to higher home builder costs.

Last but not least, it’s inevitable that interest rates will rise, especially as the economy improves. In fact, for every one percent rise in interest rates, you lose 12 percent of your buying power.

What’s the bottom line? If you’re considering buying an investment property in Central Texas, NOW is the right time. If I can help, I’m always here for you. Reach out to me anytime: (512) 947-1828 or